(right click and save)From the "Judgement Day" album
Luke 23:42 And he said to Jesus, Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.
A collaboration between Chris (Eaglehead), Hugh Hamilton, Dick Aven, Carl Malone and Dannii.
Acoustic guitar - Carl Malone
Grand piano, bass guitar, drums and synthesizer - Dannii
Lead guitar - Chris (Eaglehead)
Slide guitar - Hugh Hamilton
Saxophone - Dick Aven.
Written by Carl and Dannii.
Recorded*, mixed and mastered at AusDisciples Studio by Dannii.
Grand piano and acoustic guitar recorded at Music Workshop by Dannii.
* Contributing artists recorded their individual parts in their respective studios and were added to the final track later by Dannii.
Copyright (c) 2010 AusDisciples Band